Member benefits include:

  • Governance by nationally recognized rules.
  • A nationally recognized and certified bowling average.
  • Equipment (lanes, balls, pins, etc.) that are inspected and certified to ensure a fair game for all members.
  • The ability to compete in USBC sponsored tournaments.
  • Ability to earn bowling awards from USBC and CNM USBC.
  • A member rewards program.
  • Membership also supports Team USA, charitable. organizations supported by USBC, and promoting the sport with youth scholarships.

Learn more about member benefits.

Membership dues for the 2024-2025 season

All memberships are valid from August 1 thru July 31.

Standard Adult Membership = $34

  • National USBC dues = $15
  • CNM USBC dues = $15
  • NM State USBC dues = $4

Total Standard Membership dues = $34

CNM USBC Local-Only Membership = $15

  • For bowlers who have paid dues in another New Mexico USBC local association.
  • This provides you the ability to compete in CNM USBC tournaments and/or join a league.

NM State and CNM USBC Only Membership = $17

  • For bowlers who have already paid dues in another state.
  • This provides you the ability to compete in NM USBC and CNM USBC tournaments and/or join a league.

Youth Membership = $8

  • National USBC dues = $4
  • CNM USBC service and awards fee = $4

Total Youth Membership dues = $8

Bowlers, please pay your membership dues to your league secretary or online.
You are required to fill out a membership card in EVERY league you bowl in!
You only pay dues once per season, in your initial league (or online). Be sure to fill in the name of the league and bowling center in which you paid your dues.