Kara Thompson receives academic scholarship


It’s a small college in the Midwest, but Rio Rancho High School senior Kara Thompson doesn’t care.

McKendree University, located in Lebanon, Illinois, has a great bowling program and that’s a good reason to strike while the proverbial iron is hot.

McKendree University is a private university, founded in 1828, and is the oldest college or university in Illinois. McKendree enrolls approximately 2,300 undergraduates and nearly 700 graduate students representing 25 countries and 29 states.

Thompson, a member of two state championship bowling teams at RRHS — and, hopefully, a third early next year — if her hip heals following her surgery on Tuesday at Presbyterian Hospital in Albuquerque. With or without a hip at 100 percent, Thompson’s headed to McKendree: She has an academic scholarship awaiting her.

Full story here.